How To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Indianapolis

Those scorching summer days will often make your Indianapolis apartment sweltering -- particularly when you occupy a unit on an upper level. You could turn up the air conditioner for a quick respite and deal with a more costly cooling bill. You could also spend all your free time at the pool. Instead, try these helpful hints to stay cool in your apartment in Indianapolis.
Be Smart With Your Thermostat To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Indianapolis

When attempting to stay cool in your apartment in Indianapolis, it’s tempting to crank up your cooling system. But running your A/C equipment full-blast can become costly, and it likely won’t be able to cool your unit more than 15-20 degrees lower than the current exterior temp. Instead, use your air conditioner in a less demanding fashion by adjusting your thermostat to 78 degrees as you prepare to head out for work. This keeps your residence from heating up too much without overburdening your trusty air conditioner while you’re gone. When you come home, lower the thermostat to a more comfortable temperature.
Good HVAC maintenance helps your A/C operate in a more efficient manner as well. You should request your building maintenance technicians to check your equipment and replace the air filters twice a year. Some properties schedule air filter installations throughout the year and supply the filters for you. You should contact them immediately if you believe a filter needs changing or if your system is having a problem.
Use Window Treatments To Block The Sun’s Heat

Your apartment windows let in a lot of heat. Shielding your rooms with the right window treatments will aid in keeping you comfortable. Start by closing your blinds. The basic white blinds found in a majority of apartments can reflect back some of the sun’s heat. Then, install room-darkening curtains. These thicker window coverings stave off those warm ultraviolet rays and will get your space several degrees cooler. Most apartment communities don’t mind if you put up a curtain rod as long as you repair any holes you make before you vacate the premises.
If you are enamored with the natural landscape of your apartment grounds to the extent that you hesitate to block your windows, try removable, heat-resistant window film. This transparent product adheres to your windows where it blocks the passage of heat but not your perspective. You can enhance your project even more by placing adhesive weatherstripping around the window perimeter to keep hot air out and cool air inside.
Improve Ventilation And Airflow With Fans
Fans can create ideal air circulation throughout your apartment’s layout to help you stay cool. Place a fan close to a vent to distribute cool air. If your apartment came with fans secured to your ceiling, make sure they turn in a counterclockwise fashion. This causes the blades to force the conditioned air down to where you need it.
When your apartment has kitchen or bath exhaust fans, you could benefit from these too. Generally, these fans draw warmer air from your space and move it to the exterior of your home as you cook or use the shower, but they could be utilized any time you need them too. Switch on the fans when you get home after work to get rid of the hot, stuffy air that builds up in your apartment during the day while your cooling system or overhead fans replace it with cooler air.
Avoid Using The Oven When The Summer Heat Is Sizzling

You Can Stay Cool At StoneBridge Luxury Apartment Homes
StoneBridge has smartly designed floor plans, a host of popular features, and enticing surroundings--everything you need to ensure a fulfilling experience all year round. We’ll give you the details about everything we offer Residents when you contact us at 317-743-2959 or arrange for a tour.